Some collection agents are ruthless when it comes to getting the money they say you owe. If they put the pressure on you and aren't able to get payments, they might choose to turn to the court to get an order for collection. This means that they will take money...
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy may provide protection from debt collectors
Some debtors in Connecticut may decide to file for bankruptcy after facing collection calls, lawsuit threats and other actions taken by creditors to. When a bankruptcy petition is issued, an automatic stay that halts all efforts to collect existing debts is initiated....
Eligibility criteria in a Chapter 7 case
Individuals who are unable to meet their debt obligations may be able to have their debts discharged through a liquidation bankruptcy. As the process implies, assets might be liquidated in an effort to raise money to pay off outstanding loan balances. Those who file...
The difficulty of discharging student loans in bankruptcy
Some people in Connecticut may be struggling with substantial student loan debt. The total student loan debt nationwide is $1.59 trillion. Unfortunately, student loan debt is rarely dischargeable in bankruptcy. There are a few options for debt relief, particularly for...
Tips for dealing with medical debt
People in Connecticut who are struggling with medical debt are not alone. They are among around 137 million people throughout the country who are in the same situation. Many of them are like one 59-year-old woman who lost her job in 2013 and could not keep up with her...
Determining if bankruptcy is the right choice
New Jersey consumers who are in debt have several options to reduce or eliminate it. There are many factors that may influence which tools they use to reduce the amount that they owe to creditors. For instance, those who make $100,000 a year may be able to commit to...