If you have debts that you are unable to pay, are facing a foreclosure or are being harassed by debt collectors, you might consider declaring bankruptcy. And while bankruptcy can negatively impact your credit, the good news is you can always repair your credit score...
Month: July 2021
3 steps to stop foreclosure
If you have received a notice that you have missed mortgage payments and that your home is now going into foreclosure, it’s time to look into strategies to stop the foreclosure and help you keep or sell off that property. There are several methods you can use to stop...
If you miss a single mortgage payment, will the bank foreclose?
For ten years, you’ve been making your monthly mortgage payments on time. It’s just part of your monthly budget and it’s never been a problem. Then you missed a month. Maybe it just slipped your mind and you forgot to send it in. Maybe you had a tough month,...