People can accrue medical debt for all kinds of reasons. Some people have medical emergencies when they don't have any kind of health insurance. Others may have high deductibles or coinsurance rates that leave them with major financial responsibilities after...
How Chapter 13 supports struggling sole proprietors
If you're a Bridgeport sole proprietor, you're likely feeling the squeeze as bankruptcy filings surge across the country. Recent data paints a stark picture. In July, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts released a report stating that overall bankruptcy...
Small mistakes can help homeowners fight foreclosure
There are many laws related to foreclosure that help to protect property owners. Lenders have a right to foreclose in specific scenarios but must follow the proper process to do so. Small deviations from established standards can provide homeowners with a defense...
Reasons your bankruptcy filing may be denied
Filing for bankruptcy can offer a fresh financial start, but it’s not always guaranteed. There are specific reasons your bankruptcy petition may be denied, causing delays or forcing you to explore other solutions. Below are some common causes that could lead to the...
Avoid these mistakes when seeking a Chapter 13 bankruptcy
Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be a strategic move to regain control of your finances. However, it is crucial not to fall prey to common pitfalls that could jeopardize your case. Here are four crucial errors to avoid during the Chapter 13 bankruptcy process. Not...
The positive aspects of bankruptcy
Filing for bankruptcy is not a decision that should be taken lightly. It can have lasting consequences, such as putting a dent in your credit rating. Nonetheless, bankruptcy is far from all doom and gloom, and several benefits are often ignored. When considering...
How long does bankruptcy show up on a credit report?
Individuals dealing with financial hardship often want to find solutions that won't limit their financial opportunities in the future. Many people fear bankruptcy because they worry that lenders and maybe even employers can see a record of the bankruptcy in the future...
Reasons a bankruptcy filing may be denied (and how to avoid it)
Filing for bankruptcy can be a lifeline for those overwhelmed by debt, but it's not always guaranteed that your case will be approved. Understanding the common reasons for denial and how to avoid them is key to ensuring a successful bankruptcy filing. Here are the...
Does bankruptcy threaten your livelihood?
People are sometimes wary of filing for bankruptcy because they know that they are going to have to liquidate some of their personal assets. If you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, for instance, some of your debt will be waived. But you may also need to sell off...
Situations where someone may file for bankruptcy
Bankruptcy can be an intimidating term for those who lack information about the process. There are many stereotypes surrounding the bankruptcy procedure. It can help to take a look at the different types of people who file and the types of situations where bankruptcy...