If you file for bankruptcy, you may find it difficult to get a traditional credit card right after that filing. You will likely be able to do so in the future, once you build your credit score back up, but lenders will be a bit wary if you have just filed. Don't...
Month: December 2021
Property is divided into categories during bankruptcy
The realization that you can’t pay your bills every month is disheartening. Eventually, the creditors start pushing hard for payments. They may call, text, or contact you on social media. This is on top of the mailed demands that are probably coming into your mailbox....
Can you spend before bankruptcy?
Hypothetically speaking, imagine that you have fallen behind on your bills to the extent that you can't overcome the debt on your own. You've decided that the only way to solve this is to declare bankruptcy. As you move toward the filing process, you start to wonder...