People often try to avoid answering the phone or checking the mail when they have creditors hounding them for money. Those interactions with a creditor can make a nice day turn sour quickly, especially if you know that you can’t afford to pay them anything. One...
Month: November 2022
3 steps to protect yourself when worried about vehicle repossession
Financing a vehicle purchase can be a common-sense choice. It is a fast way of making a purchase when you need a vehicle. You don't have to spend months saving or restrict yourself to the low-quality vehicles that you can afford with the cash that you have on hand....
Can you keep jewelry during bankruptcy?
You want to declare Chapter 7 bankruptcy, but you know that that means you’ll have to liquidate some of your assets. This is concerning to you because you have jewelry that you would like to keep. You know that it’s valuable, but you don’t want to be forced to sell it...