Credit cards are a key financial tool that help people to cover necessary expenses even when they have budgetary shortfalls. The responsible use of credit cards typically involves paying off the full balance every month. Those who accrue balances end up paying huge...
Month: May 2023
The health impact of financial stress
If you’ve been living with a lot of financial stress, you may be considering bankruptcy and other tactics to alleviate that stress. Maybe you just have more debt than you can afford. You need a fresh financial start because you know you’re not going to accomplish your...
Potential reasons bankruptcy could be denied
Filing for bankruptcy certainly does not mean that the bankruptcy will be granted. People sometimes act as if individuals or business owners are just allowed to file for bankruptcy whenever they want to get rid of their debt. But that’s not the way that it works. Only...
What to do when you receive a foreclosure notice
Owning a home is exciting, but being unable to pay for it in the future may lead to foreclosure. However, your mortgage lender may not simply ask you to leave. They will follow certain procedures, starting with sending you a notice of intent to foreclose. What you do...