Bankruptcy provides an effective way for people to overcome debt. It allows you to get a handle on your financial issues and make a fresh start. A successful bankruptcy may eliminate many kinds of debt like medical bills and credit card debt. One of the most...
Month: March 2021
Getting ready to file for bankruptcy? Here’s what to expect
You’ve already made the difficult decision to file for bankruptcy. You know it’s the right move for your circumstances. It won’t be long before you make your way to a bankruptcy attorney’s door for help filing. But what comes after you file bankruptcy? What can you...
What is the difference between bankruptcy and reorganization?
The financial world has plenty of its own jargon, as does the legal world. It is altogether too easy for people to misunderstand or conflate different legal terms or financial systems. If you have recently encountered financial hardship because of debt that you can't...
Will you lose your car in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Chapter 7 bankruptcy can give you the fresh start that you deserve when your debts are overwhelming -- but many people are very afraid of the process because they've heard exaggerated horror stories about what bankruptcy is like. One of the biggest questions people...