Even though millions of Americans are bogged down with student loan debt, it’s one of the relatively few types of debt that is usually not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Typically, a person has to prove that “undue hardship” is caused by the debt. Talk of student loan...
Month: May 2022
Filing for bankruptcy: You’re not even close to alone
People are sometimes a bit leery of filing for bankruptcy because they think that they're the only one doing it. It makes it feel like some sort of personal failure. They may know that they can run all the numbers and see that bankruptcy would seriously help them, but...
How do you sell a home that is near foreclosure?
If you have fallen on hard times, or are living from paycheck to paycheck, even the slightest change in your income can have significant rippling effects. One of these rippling effects can come in the form of a default on your mortgage payments. If you are unable to...