Many problems can arise when Connecticut parents are going through a divorce. While most issues can be resolved through negotiation and compromise, situations can be much worse if one parent has a problem with alcohol. For example, there may be justifiable concerns with a parent drinking and driving with a child in the car.
A parent could potentially get emergency custody if there is evidence showing that the child is in danger. Unfortunately, without a police report or another kind of proof, it could be difficult for the parent to demonstrate this. Child care providers or other witnesses might be able to provide testimony. However, alcohol abuse may be particularly difficult to prove.
Parents should thoroughly document the time they spend caring for and doing activities with their children. They should also write down details of any conflict they have with the other parent. All of this can be presented in court as evidence if parents have a dispute about child custody.
In many cases, parents can negotiate a child custody agreement. However, this will only be possible if each parent feels the other is competent. Courts usually take the position that children should spend time with both parents, so disagreements in parenting style are usually not sufficient for a court to agree to limit visitation schedules. A parent who is concerned about an abduction, abuse or neglect may want to reach out to a lawyer. The other parent might be limited to supervised visitation. This requires someone else to be present while the parent and child are together.